
Distinguish Between Aquifer And Aquitard

The geocentrifuge.

This resource introduces aquitards and aquicludes, and discusses some of the cutting-edge approaches used to empathise the motility of h2o and contaminants through the ground. It is designed for a full general audience.

Aquitards and aquicludes

Although there is a common perception that groundwater is stored in huge underground caverns, in fact groundwater fills the pores of the diverse kinds of rocks that form the globe below united states of america. Aquifers are underground layers of very porous water-begetting soil or sand.

Aquitards, by contrast, are compacted layers of clay, silt or rock that retard water menstruum underground; that is, they act as a barrier for groundwater. Aquitards separate aquifers and partially disconnect the flow of h2o underground. Too known as cap rocks, aquitards limit and direct the surface water which seeps downward and replenishes aquifers.

Although water cannot flow very fast through an aquitard, significant quantities of water tin seep through aquitards in some conditions.

At the very terminate of the spectrum, an aquiclude is a geological material through which zippo flow occurs. Still, information technology's usually difficult to distinguish aquitards from aquicludes. This is partly because of the impracticality of taking measurements in such tight materials, just as well because research has historically focused on high-yielding aquifers, and relatively permeable reservoirs for oil and gas.

Carbon sequestration and leaky aquifers

Carbon dioxide (COtwo) is the most of import anthropogenic greenhouse gas linked to global warming. CO2 sequestration is the long-term storage of COii to reduce the amount emitted to the atmosphere: geological sequestration is currently the most viable option, and potential repositories include saline aquifers and united nations-minable coal seams.

A risk of underground storage is CO2 leaking dorsum out to the environment, which would render the procedure ineffectual. Furthermore, CO2 sequestration tin acidify local groundwater which may in turn cause heavy metals to deliquesce and migrate. Also, the displacement of salty water acquired by injection of large volumes of COtwo could impact upon shallower groundwater systems, depending on the level of connection.

Depression permeability materials, known as aquitards or cap rocks, play an of import role in confining sequestered CO2 equally well as any water quality impacts. Understanding how well confined an aquifer is may help us to make sensible decisions about where to consider storing CO2.

A number of methods for assessing aquitard integrity and potential leakage are already used; however, all take drawbacks when used lonely. CWI researchers Dr Wendy Timms and Dr Steve Bouzalakos are using the geocentrifuge to pioneer new methods to help appraise the integrity of cap rocks for carbon sequestration.

Measuring groundwater period

The motion of water and contaminants through relatively impermeable sediments and cap rocks is important to understand simply challenging to measure.

Traditionally, various approaches have been used, including fieldwork, laboratory testing and mathematical modelling. Unfortunately, testing methods are often time consuming, expensive and take significant limitations. A multi-faceted approach is essential to fully sympathise complex aquitard systems; this includes understanding the integrity of aquitards discipline to variable stresses and chemistry over time, the preferential flow paths of groundwater through faults and fractures, and the responses of aquitards to depressurisation and desaturation.

NCGRT enquiry plan one is entirely focused on characterising the hydraulic backdrop of aquifers and aquitards; this includes measuring the movement of water and contaminants, and identifying the significance of leakage pathways such as poorly sealed bores.

The geocentrifuge

A new geocentrifuge commissioned by the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Preparation is 1 of just ii of its kind in the earth, and is used for assessing porous materials including geological core samples.

Located at the University of New Southward Wales, the geocentrifuge acts as a sort of ecology time car - by speeding upwards gravity to nearly 550 times normal, the geocentrifuge accelerates water move through core samples. Centrifugation can directly address questions most subsurface flow at scales that are not otherwise possible, simulating thousands of years within weeks or months.

By analysing geological materials in the geocentrifuge, researchers can study the movement of h2o and contaminants through aquitards. This tin can help researchers understand the properties of aquitards, as well equally preview the long-term effects of activities such as coal seam gas and longwall mining on groundwater.

The geocentrifuge is being used by the NCGRT in conjunction with other cutting border techniques, such equally using time series resistivity imaging and borehole tomography to measure in-situ hydraulic storage and properties of aquitards.

The geocentrifuge is already being used to work out the permeability and conductivity of different geologic materials, and to identify significant aquitard leakage pathways, such as fractures.

In the future, the geocentrifuge may be used to:

  • test the boundaries of Darcy'southward Law
  • examination recharge rates for certain soil types
  • exam the long-term performance of natural and engineered barriers
  • learn more most the interactions of contaminants such every bit in landfills, chancy waste material disposal and uranium mining.

In the spirit of collaborative enquiry, the facility is bachelor to researchers at a reduced cost, and provides services to industry. Since existence deputed in early on 2011, the geocentrifuge has logged over 4600 hours of testing, and has been used for three contract projects for industry.

Mining applications

By subjecting core samples of aquitards to geocentrifuge testing, researchers can help determine how much h2o or contaminant will move into or out of an aquifer once it is disturbed past drilling or pumping.

Geocentrifuge testing could be included in environmental assessment processes for coal seam gas extraction and coal mining to give a clearer indication of which aquifers are suitable for mining operations and which require careful mitigation strategies.


Midland Valley (the developers of Move), ARANZ GEO (the developers of Leapfrog 3D), Geovariances (developers of Isatis), and Paradigm Geophysics (the developers of GOCAD). Nosotros gratefully acknowledge Prof Joan Esterle and Stephanie Hamilton at the University of Queensland for providing the Surat Basin data set.

Links and further data

  • Flagship Projection: Aquitards
  • Centrifuge permeameter facility
  • Environmental "time car"

Distinguish Between Aquifer And Aquitard,


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